Start Expanding Your Keyword Rankings Today!. For as long as search engines have been around, they have greatly valued informative and engaging SEO blog articles. New and relevant blog articles that share information and provide answers to questions often outrank websites that load faster or have more backlinks. Therefore, if a business wants to rank high on Google, it’s time to get serious about article creation.

Unfortunately, ranking on the first page of Google is not that easy. It requires figuring out specific keywords to target, creating relevant articles, and optimizing them for the best SEO practices. Climbing up the search rankings is a difficult challenge that requires expertise.

That’s where we come in. We (Keyword Expansion) work with friends, freelancers, businesses, and everyone in between to provide an effective SEO blog writing service. Through our research, creation, and SEO process, we provide a specialized blog writing service that can bring in the type of traffic you have always dreamed of.

We provide a full-scale SEO article writing service that takes the headache out of blog creation. Sit back and relax as we take care of finding the right topic, doing the research, and writing the content. With our monthly package, we can even post it and share it on your social media platforms!

All of our content is designed to rank for targeted keywords. We provide suggested SEO meta details and keyword research for all articles. Feel free to contact us if you have any modifications or requests.

Contact us to learn more.